
Una causa comune del dolore cronico è costituita dall'esistenza di cicatrici nello spazio epidurale. Lo spazio epidurale è un'area sottile tra l'interno della colonna vertebrale e lo strato protettivo intorno al midollo spinale. La creazione di questo tessuto cicatriziale può limitare il percorso naturale dei nervi causando infiammazioni e quindi la conseguente generazione di dolore.
Epimed ha sviluppato una linea avanzata di cateteri epidurali radiopachi guidabili tramite fluoroscopia (raggi X). L'operatore andrà ad inserire la guida nello spazio epidurale nel punto ottimale in relazione alla regione interessata (generalmente il percorso prevede il passaggio caudale attraverso il lato sacrale, una cavità naturale della colonna situata all'estremità del coccige). Il movimento del catetere può quindi essere controllato attraverso il monitor e guidato con precisione alla radice del nervo interessato. I cateteri Epimed hanno una punta morbida non dannosa, ottimizzata per scivolare sulle zone sensibili e un corpo robusto facilmente manovrabile all'interno dello spazio epidurale. Una volta che il catetere si trova in posizione, è possibile iniettare il farmaco che raggiungerà quindi direttamente la sorgente che genera il dolore.
Cateteri di Racz
R.E.C. #155-1353 19g (84.5cm) |
TUN-L-XL #155-2540 19g (84.5cm) |
BREVI-KATH #155-2393 19g (35.5cm) |
R.E.C. is the original spring catheter that started it all. This catheter has a basico low friction coating. Standard Continuous epidural application: obstetric (L&D), surgical regional anesthesia, acute post-operative pain management, chronic pain application and epidural blood patch. | The XL style catheter tip provides maximum control and stability. Selectable XL tip orientation allows similar tip softness as the standard TUN-L-KATH when the stylet is retracted. Designed for greater durability and ease in placement for situation where there's extensive epidural scarring. | Heavy duty catheter body and soft tip in a convenient 14'g length. Designed for greater durability and ease in placement. Precise directional control. Epidural or transforaminal infusion. |
TUN-L-KATH #155-1520 19g (84.5cm) |
TUN-L-XL /24 #155-2542 19g (61cm) |
BREVI-XL # 155-2340 19g (35.5cm) |
Firm, direct able catheter body. Round, deflective atraumatic tip; Designed for greater durability and ease in placement. Precise directional control. Epidural infusion, specifically where scarring or adhesion are in the epidural space. | Similar to the TUN-L-XL but packaged with 2 stylets that match to each specific catheter length. Dual stylet feature is beneficial when the first stylet becomes bent during difficult placement. Recommended for patients with adhesion at several levels. | The XL stylet catheter tip provides maximum control and stability. Selectable XL tip orientation allows similar tip softness as the standard BREVI-KATH when stylet is retracted. Specifically designed for situation where there's extensive epidural scarring. |
VERSA-KATH # 156-2112 | 156-2124 21g (30.5cm) - 21g (61cm) |
BREVI-STF # 155-2343 19g (35.5cm) |
BREVI-XL/2 # 155-2342 19g (35.5cm) |
Is designed for cervical epidural and transforaminal placement. Reduced size but styleted with the same 1:1 torque and directability. Due to its slim design the VERSA-KATH can be introduced through a 18g RX Coudè needle. | Derived from the BREVI-XL with the largest available stylet for added stiffness. This catheter maintains a round, deflective, atraumatic tip. Precise Directional control. Epidural placement for hard to reach situations. | Similar to the BREVI-XL but packaged with an additional stylet to offer more options for success during procedure. The additional stylet that is matched to each specific catheter length is alternately exchanged to provide curve or straight catheter directability. |
Aghi Introduttori
RX-2 | RX Coudè | RX Straight |
The patented RX-2 blunt obturating stylet extends from the tip to push tissue structures away from the cutting edge during needle rotation. Simply place the lure lock obturating stylet into the RX Coudè needle after epidural placement is confirmed. (14g; 15g; 16g and 18g) | It can help needle tip placement and positioning of epidural catheter. The RX Coudè can be positioned so that the front bevel forms a flat surface parallel to the ligament flavor and the dura, limiting the chance of dural puncture. Once epidural placement is confirmed, the needle can be rotated towards your target site. (14g; 15g; 16g; 18g) | Is designed to help needle tip placement and positioning of epidural catheters. The bevel opening at the distal tip is shorter than a standard Thuoy needle. The RX rear heel is rounded to resist catheter shearing during placements. These needles are radiopaque with visible markings. |
R.K. | FIC | |
Developed by Epimed, R.K. is a modified Tuohy with an opened and dulled rear heel to allow safer catheter passage. A large triangle is printed on the hub in the direction of the bevel to assist in correct placement. | The Flexible Introducer Cannula is a 3.5" radiopaque low friction sheath over a 17g Tuohy needle. The introducer cannula is shear resistant providing fault free catheter access and manipulation into the epidural space. |